
Sunday, May 10, 2020

What is ISP ? explain the categories of ISP ?

The full form of ISP is Internet Service Provider . All those companies and organization which works to provide internet are called as ISP or Internet Service Provider . Internet Service Provider other than providing internet they also provides Web Page Hosting , Mail services , File transfer etc .

Example :-                                                                                                                             
In india there are many companies which are working to provide internet e.g BSNL , Airtel , Idea , Jio , etc .

Categories Of ISP ( Internet Service Provider )

Internet Service Provider Companies are categorise into three category and are as follows :-
1.Tier 1 ISP Company .
2.Tier 2 ISP Company .
3.Tier 3 ISP Company .

1.Tier 1 ISP Company :-                                                                                                      
Tier 1 ISP company is the largest ISP company which connects internet from different countries . This companies provide internet in different countries by connecting them with Sea-Link Cable .
 Tier 1 ISP Companies are also called as BACKBONE Internet provide because if this ISP fails to provide internet then all the internet connection will be disconnected .

As we all know there is no owner of internet , So the large amount what we pay to access internet  goes to Tier 1 ISP companies which provides internet to various countries by connecting them with Sea-Link Cable which passes under the oceans .

Example of Tier 1 ISP Companies are :- Airtel Bharti , Hibernia Internet , etc .
Fig . Presentation of Tier 1 ISP map .

2.Tier 2 ISP Company :-                                                                                                      
This type of ISP companies are the mediator type or companies which is larger than that of Tier 3 companies but smaller than Tier 1 companies . When Tier 1 companies bring connection to the country Tier 2 companies connects that connection to different states of the country .

The 2nd largest amount that user pay to access internet goes to Tier 2 ISP Companies .
Fig . Presentation of Tier 2 ISP in india .

3.Tier 3 ISP Company :-                                                                                                      
This is the smallest ISP which provides internet in a city and in the colonies . This Tier takes connection from Tier 2 and provides internet to homes , offices , universities , hostels , malls , etc .

The smallest or the last amount which user pay to  access internet goes to Tier 3 Companies .

e.g. BSNL Broadband connection , Airtel Broadband , etc .

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