

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Basic Internet Terminology ?

1.Internet :-
It is a global communication accessed through a web .

2.Intranet :- It is stored content accessed by members within a single organization .

3.Extranet :- It is a shared content accessed by group through cross-enterprise boundaries .

4.URL :- URL ( Uniform Resource Link ) is a reference that specifies its location on a computer and a mechanism for retrieving .

5.IP address :- IP ( Internet Protocol ) is a unique address that identifies a device in a network or a local network . basically there are two formats of ip address IPv4 and IPv6 .

6.Browser:- A browser is a software application that lets you to visit web pages on the internet popular browsers includes google chrome , firefox , safari , internet explorer etc .

7.Domain:- Domain names are used to identify one or more IP address e.g. the domain name represents about a dozen IP addresses domain names are used in URLs to identify .

8.DNS :- DNS ( Domain Name System ) is an internet services that translate domain name into ip address because domain name are                    alphabetics, they are easier to remember e.g. the domain name might translate to .

9.ISP :- ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) is an organization that provides services for accessing using or participating in the internet . ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) can be organized in various forms , such as commercial , community owned or ptivately owned .

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