

Monday, May 4, 2020

what is internet ? growth of internet ?


Internet network is an International Network which connects all computer network schools,colleges,universities,offices . Internet is the worlds largest network in which the network of all the computers are connected . It is a type of network which is made with a combination of different LAN and MAN network .

Who is the owner of Internet ?                                                                                              
Internet is an independent International network which doesnt have an owner . Internet doesnt comes under any individual person,companies,organization,government or country .

History of Internet :-                                                                                                              
It is impossible to give a credit to a single person for the creation of internet . the first workable internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET i.e. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network which is funded by the U.S. department of defence, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate in a single network .

Growth of internet :-                                                                                                              
Defence department of america used it for the first time to transfer confidential information from one place to another . At first this network was used to connect 4 places and later there were alot of changes occur . 

In 1971,Raymond Tomlinson (Raymond Samuel Tomlinson) first used ARPANET to send e-mail, and as soon as benefits of e-mail understood the use of e-mail comes in account.

In 1979,Internet was used in british post office for the first time , till 1984 more than 1000 computers were already connected with the internet . Slowly and gradually people start to use internet for sharing information , slowly the use of internet starts to increase and now a days everything we are doing is by using internet .

In India, use of internet comes in account on 15/08/1995 .

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