

Monday, May 11, 2020

What is WWW ? How does WWW work ?

What is WWW ?                                                                                                                       
The full form of WWW is World Wide Web . It is a service of internet which is also called as W3 or web , www is the collection if all the website in the world in which documents made in HTML  ( Hyper Text Markup Language ) are joined through hyperlink . This HTML documents i.e web page are made up of different type of images , texts , audio and video files .

In other words WWW is the collection of addresses of all the websites in the world which are connected with each other or which are hyperlinked . When user search website in internet then WWW helps the user to reach to that website like this WWW works as services in internet . World wide web uses HTTP ( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ) to transfer information from one place to another .

How does WWW works ?                                                                                                       
As all of you now understand that what WWW is , let is recall it one more time . WWW is a collection of all the websites in the world which are connected with each other or which are hyperlinked . means all the website in the world are linked with WWW .  All these websites can be accesses with the help of internet browser .

to access any of the website in internet web browser is needed , web browser is a computer application like google chrome , moxilla firefox , opera , safari etc .

when user search any of the website in internet then to send web pages from one page to another HTTP ( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ) is used . HTTP is used in users computer to access website .

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