

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What is Insert text in HTML | How to use Insert text in HTML

This tag gives as similar output as that of underline tag . follow the steps given to get the result .

1. Open your text editor .

2. Write basic tags i.e. html , head , body . use title tag to write "inserted text example" in head section in order to understand which type of document you have made .

3.Write the paired paragraph tag inside body tag i.e. <p> and </p> and write paragraph you want to show the user in the main browsing area , to show I am writing "this is a paragraph to show inserted Text" .

4. Save this file with . html extension . I am saving this file as "inserted_text_example.html" .

5. To see the result how this looks like open the saved file in any browser to see the result . In point number 6 we will use <ins> tag to see the change in the result .

6. Use inserted open and close tag<ins> , </ins> tag between "this is a paragraph to show inserted text" as "this is a paragraph to show <ins>inserted</ins> text".

7. Save the file as "inserted_text_example1.html" .

8. Open the saved file in any browser to see the change in the result of insert text tag "<ins>" .

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