

Friday, May 29, 2020

What is website ? explain the types of website ?

What is website ?
Collection of two or more than two webpage is called as website . These webpages are linked with each other .

Website is an address where all the webpages are stored . This webpages stored different information e.g. text , audio , video , images , etc .

The more information in the website the more web pages will be there .

Types of website :-
According to the informations that are stored in website they can be categorised into various category :- 
1. On the basis of webpage 
a. Static Website 
b. Dynamic website 

2. On the basis of information 
a. Blog
b. Social networking site
c. Forums 
d. Online shopping site
e. Business site 

1. On the basis of webpage
a. Static Website :- 
The website which are made with the collection of Static webpages are called as Static Website . The content of this websites does not change or the content of this websites are stable when we refresh the website or we visit the website .

E.g. Google , yahoo , etc .

b. Dynamic Website :-
This websites are made up of collection of Dynamic Webpages are called as Dynamic Website . The content of this websites are contantly changing when we refresh or visit the website again .

E.g. online shopping websites , etc .

2. On the basis of Information 
a. Blog :-
This is called as personal website . This website is made by a person according to their interest and information . E.g. if you have interest and knowledge in computer technologies and you want to share it with the world with the help of website then the website you will make is called as BLOG .

b. Social networking site :- 
The website which helps people to stay connected with their friend with the peoples they are unknown and old loved ones and share there day to day life , activity , images and videos and this type of website is called as SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE .

E.g. Facebook , whats app , twitter , instagram , etc .

c. Forums :-
This types of website is also called as question answer website . 
This types of website helps peoples to ask question and discuss in some specified topics . This websites plays important role in ones life because it helps people to get answer to their question and if some one have knowledge for something can give the answer or information .

E.g. for this website are quora , yahoo! Groups , etc .

d. Online Shopping Site :-
All those websites which helps user to buy and sell things online is called as Online Shopping Site . This website allows user to buy the things what they want to buy and if you are a shopkeeper then you can open an account with your name or your shop name and sell the things online . This kind of buying and selling is called as E-Commerce and is very common now a days .

E.g. of this website are amazon , flipkart , ebay , olx , quikr , snapdeal , etc .

e. Business site :-
This websites is also called as COMPANY WEBSITE .

All those website through which company shares the information of their new products , services , products , contact , etc . All these websites are called as Business site .

All the big companies or you can say MNCs made their Business site through which their customer can get information for their new products , services and news . This type of companies sometimes use their website for the marketing of new products that they have launched .

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