

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What is ATM ? what is ATM Architecture ?

What is ATM ?
The full form of ATM is Asynchronous Transmission Mode . ATM is a WAN technology which has been adopted in LAN Network . ATM is used to transmit data in high speed baseband and broadband LAN and WAN network .

In ATM network asynchronous type of data transmission in used to transmit data between devices . And in ATM Network packet switching technique is used to transmit data . Through ATM network voice , fax , real time audio , video and multi-megabit data can be transmitted .

What is ATM Lan Architecture ?
3 types of architecture is used in ATM Lan architecture and are as follows :-
1) Pure ATM Architecture ( ATM switch 155-652 Mbps )
2) Legacy ATM Architecture ( Ethernet Traditional )
3) Mixed Architecture

What is ATM Layers ?
3 types of ATM layers is defined and are as follows :-
1) Application Adaption Layer
2) ATM Layer
3) Physical Layer

ATM Connection :-
Two types of ATM connection is used 
(i) PVC ( Physical Virtual Circuit Connection )
(ii) SVC ( Switched Virtual Circuit Connection )

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