

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Introduction to HTML

What is HTML ?
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language . It was created by ' berners lee ' in 1991 . This is a SCRIPTING LANGUAGE and not a PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE .

So before we get started lets understand what HTML is basically :-
As told earlier , HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language so to understand it properly lets break them out into pieces .

(i) Language :- As you all know to talk with someone we do need to have a communication mode and that we call it as language

And when we want to create a web page we will need a mode of communication which we can understand and computer web browser can also undestand .

(ii) Markup language :- It means a language which is tag based .

Tag based :- It means specific word that is inside an angular blacket e.g. <html> , </html> is called as tags .

(iii) Hypertext :- All those text which are used to create a webpage is called as Hypertext

Hyperlink :- All those text which hold the address of other web page or location of anything on the same web page is called as Hyperlink .

NOTE :- A webpage which is used by creating HTML is a Static Webpage .

Basic Syntax Of HTML :-
As told earlier it is made up of tags . Basic syntax of HTML is made up of two parts

a. Head :- This part identifies why this page has been created . This tag includes Title tag i.e.<title> which shows the title of your document on the tab of web browser .

b. Body :- This part is the main area of web page means whatever you will see on the web page e.g. images , videos , headings , text , etc need to describe in this part .

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