

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Is computer virus ? Types Of Computer Virus ? History Of Computer Virus ?

Well now a days almost everyone uses a computer and all those people who use computer must have heard the name of virus . Virus this term is very common in internet and this is very dangerous for ur electronic devices and gadgets also . i.e. if it enter to your system once then it can damage ur electronic gadget or it can destroy your data also .

What is Computer Virus ?                                                                            
It is a program which is designed to destroy data or to harm the electronic gadget . 
Computer works with the help of program that are installed in the computer . There are some program which helps user to work in computer , some program are made to destroy the program in the computer or to harm the effect in electronic gadget and that program is called as virus .

Viruses are Distructive programs that are made by programmers to distroy data or to electronic gadgets of other computer .

History Of Computer Virus :-                                                                      
Robert Thomas , was the first engineer of BBN TECHNOLOGIES who developed first computer virus CREEPER in 1971 . This virus was developed for experimental purpose to infect the framework of ARPANET , after the framework Of ARPANET got infected this virus diplay message in the screen "I AM THE CREEPER , CATCH ME IF YOU CAN" .

A virus " ELK CLONER " was developed by RICHARDA SKRENTA in 1982 computer virus which was tracked by original wild computers are " ELK CLONER " this virus was made to infect apple II operating system through floppy disk .

It is understood that if a malicious program enter to the computer than this can stop or prevent user from using computer software or computer program .

This malicious program was names as computer virus by FRED COHEN in 1983 when he was writing his academic paper where he wrote all the details about this malicious program that how does it work or what this can do and he titled this as " Computer Virus-Theory And Experiments " .

What is malware ?
Full name of MALWARE is MALICIOUS SOFTWARE . This is also a computer program which harms the computers . If this software enters to the computer can detroy it fully .

Malware can enter to your computer from many ways , the common way now a days for malware to enter to the computer is INTERNET . We are very frequent to use internet now a days and if we enter to any malicious website by mistake or by unknowingly or if we download some pirated software , pirated game then with that software or games or from the website MALWARE can enter to our computer .

We all use CDs , DVDs , Pendrive in our computer . and as we all know that we use these devices in different computers and unknowingly with some computer may be malware can enter to that pendrive or CDs and through that device malware can enter to our computer also .

Types of Malware :-                                                                              
There are three types of Malware and are as follows :-

All these three works differently in computer , all these three destroy computer in different ways .

1.Virus :-                                                                                                 
Viruses can corrupt files or software in the computer . e.g. if you are having a word document in computer and it got a virus from somewhere then it can delete the data present in that document or it can make it corrupt .

and if you share this file with other computers via pendrive or cds then it can enter to other computer and destroy them also .

2.Worms :-                                                                                              
Worms are also same as virus but they have the ability to multiply so that by multiplying they can spread in wide range . If worms enter to your system then they start to make varios copies of a files due to which your computer will become slow .

And if we share the file which has worm with other computer then they start to multiply in that computer also and make that computer slow also .

3.Trojan :-                                                                                               
This Trojan is dangerous malware program . This malware can enter to your computer by hiding them .
If you are surfing internet and you got an add and you click to that add then through that add trog=jan horse can enter to your computer and may destroy the system .

Some software also contail trojan inside it , it looks original but when you download that software then trojan will enter to you computer and start to destroy the system and open the door for oher viruses and worm due to which the speed of your computer will become very slow .

Sign for virus infection :-                                                                      
1.Slow system Performance
2.Screen pop ups
3.Working of program by itself
4.Installation of new files and programs on computer by itself .
5.Files and program becomes corrupt
6.Voice from hard drive

NOTE :- To protect your computer from viruses you should install good antivirus and regularly scan your computer .

Read this also :-

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