

Sunday, May 31, 2020

What is ETHERNET ?

Ethernet :-
Ethernet is a Network Architecture and is a LAN ( Local Area Network ) technology . Ethernet is used to create LAN Network . Ethernet was first presented in 1980 and in 1983 it was provided with standard IEEE 802.3 . 

Now a days ethernet is very popular Network Architecture . ETHERNET is used in BUS Topology and STAR Topology of  LAN Network . 

ATM and ETHERNET were made to use in WAN Technology but to use this it is needed to install different types of application in a computer and that is why ETHERNET is used in LAN Network .

There is different version of ETHERNET whose advance version supports Higer Bit Rate and Long Link Distance .

Features of Ethernet Network :-
1. ETHERNET is used in BUS Topology and Star topology of a LAN Network .

2. ETHERNET can be used in Baseband Architecture network .

3. Speed of transfer of data in ETHERNET ranged from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps .

4. ETHERNET can be created by Coaxial Cable and Twisted pair cable .

Ethernet Standards :- 
1. 10BaseT
2. 10Base2
3. 10Base5
4. 10BaseFL
5. 100BaseTX
6. 100BaseFX
7. 100BaseT4

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