

Saturday, July 18, 2020

what is paragraph in HTML | How to use paragraph tags in HTML

As paragraph is the main part of any document so is for HTML document or a webpage . In this article I am going to show step by step process on how to write paragraph in the html document . The
tag which is used to write a paragrah is <p> tag . To write a paragraph in html document we need to write open p tag "<p>" followed by closed p tag "</p>" and the paragraph in between them .

Step by step process to write paragraph in the html document is as follows :-

1. Open your text editor .

2. Write the basic tags i.e. html , head , body . for understanding use title tag in head section to write paragraph .

3. Write the paired paragraph tag inside body tag i.e. <p> and </p> an write paragraph you want to show the user in the main browsing area , to  show I am writing "this is a paragraph for practice."

4. Save the file with .html extension . To show I am saving it with the name paragraph.html .

5. To check the result open the saved file in the browser browser .

You can use this headings as many times as you want to write paragraph in your HTML so is in your webpage .

Read this also :-

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