

Monday, June 1, 2020

what is ISDN ?

What is ISDN :-
The full form of ISDN is Integrated Service Digital Network . This is a digital telephone netwrok which is used as point-to-point telephone network . Customers are provided with internet services through ISDN network . In ISDN network source and destination computer are connected through physical circuit network

Data and Voice both are transmitted through same wire in an ISDN network . This works as DSL ( Digital Subscriber Line ) . DSL and ISDN both works almost the same but the main difference between them is that DSL is new technology device while ISDN is old technology device  .

Channels of ISDN :-
Two types of channels are used in ISDN and are as follows :-
a. B-channel
b. D-channel 

a. B-channel :-
The full name of this channel is BEARER CHANNEL . This channel is used for the transmission of data and voice .

b. D-channel :-
The full name of this channel is DELTA CHANNEL . This channel is used for signalling and controlling . This channel is also used to eshtablish the connection and also to disconnect it . This channel is not used to transmit data .

Types Of ISDN network :-
In ISDN network two types of connection interface are used and are as follow :-

a. BRI ( Basic Rate Interface )
b. PRI ( Primary Rate Interface )

a. BRI-ISDN :-
The full name of BRI-ISDN is Basic Rate Interface Integrated Service Digital Network . This is used to provide low speed connection which is lower in cost in comparision with PRI . Mostly BRI connections are used in homes , small offices and in small companies . Only two channels are used in BRI-ISDN and they are B channel and D channel . The highest speed of BRI in copper wire is 128 Kbps in which B channel works in 64 Kbps and D channel works in 16 Kbps .

b. PRI-ISDN :- 
The full name of PRI-ISDN is primary Rate Interface Integrated Service Digital Network . This are used to provide high speed connectio in expensive price in comparision with BRI-ISDN . Mostly these are used in big companies like call centers and BPO for the use of internet connection . In PRI-ISDN only two 23 B-channels and one D-channels are used whose maximum speed is 2.94 Mbps .

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